Street Duties & Officer Management System

Pricing & Information

The omOMS website is currently priced at £20 a month arranged via a subscription on Stripe meaning that it will be automatically taken from your account each month unless cancelled or terminated by the OMSolutions Team. The site is hosted completely by the OMSolutions team to prevent any unauthorised use of the backend of the system and to allow for necessary security updates to be made to the system. 

Whilst this site was originally made with a policing focus in mind, it is easily adjusted to be used for other services just speak to the team when making the purchase. With almost all aspects of the system being easily customisable in the admin panel, you barely need to contact the team unless you have any issues or require any adjustments that need our input.


The dashboard is the home of all statistics from members to driver tickets colour coded for identification as well as notices provided by the command team in the admin panel.

Other items on the dashboard are a table containing users who are due to graduate soon as well as outstanding exams that need marking.

Portfolio Database

The portfolio database is accessible by all those with Street Duties Instructor access as a way to then navigate to the portfolios of probationers. On this page they can see key information relating to someones current probation.

Street Duties Portfolio - Access

Rather than giving constables a login and password requiring you to store more data than necessary, probationary constables are given access based on a pin set in their portfolio. Using this and their shoulder number they can login from the students page.

Once they have graduated from being a student this pin is automatically invalidated.

Street Duties Portfolio - Competencies

The portfolios list all competencies that the member needs to complete as well as a progress bar at the bottom indicating how many that they have completed. Once a competency has been signed off it shows who signed it off and when as well as allowing you to view the information provided.

As an administrator you have the options to set custom dates that something was completed as wel as selecting to add it on behalf of another instructor.

Street Duties Portfolio - Performance

The system comes preconfigured with multiple areas to rate someones performance on. Once this has been updated it will show who updated it and when allowing you to track when a certain area was last reviewed.

Street Duties Portfolio - Comments

As well as a performance review section instructors can add comments to any of the three categories provided which will then remain on that probationers profile for other instructors to reference.

Officer Database

The officer database is split into two sections one being a Probationers Database and the other being an Officers Database. This page allows command to reference who is in what team, their driver ticket and other important information.

If the member has previously had a portfolio this can also be accessed by command to maintain a record.

Officer Record

Command members can edit and create new constables inputting all required information. Once on a record they can also view the command notes for that user can also be viewed and added to by command to maintain a record.

Exam System

The system comes with an inbuilt exam form which can be edited to set maximum marks for questions and select from a range of question types. Members are then able to submit this using a 1 time code on the site which is invalidated upon use.

Once it has been submitted members of command can then mark the responses with the system automatically detecting the total marks at the end.

Student Access

Using the pin provided by their instructor students can access the system with their shoulder number. Once logged in they can then see their competencies as an instructor would but without any of the options to mark them as completed or view private comments.