oSessions | Session Switching & Protection



oSession | Session Switching & Protection

One of the main things that has always been an issue in roleplaying has been the interruption of ongoing training sessions in the main server; setting up a second server just isn’t feasible or worth it for everyone to do. To counter this we have created a resource you can drag and drop onto your server to allow for people to switch to a different session for training purposes and then password-protect it to avoid people joining to disrupt the session.

The configuration for this is easy to follow and the script is incredibly optimised causing no detrimental effects on your server, this has been used successfully at Central West Roleplay Community.

By purchasing this item, you agree to our terms and conditions that apply to this purchase.

You must not distribute the files to anyone else.

Please note: This is not a physical product, you will be given access to download the product via the website once payment is confirmed and nothing will be shipped to you.

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